Ultimate Oven S’mores

ultimate oven s'mores

Ooh, some exciting things are a-brewing here at SKC.

It’s time to spread the love.  Food love, that is.

Starting this Friday, December 7th, I’ll be launching Food Love Fridays, a once a month Friday-of-most-months post featuring at least one food-related thing I’m loving and want you to know about.

What, exactly?

Well, it could be one of many things, like: Continue reading

Best-Ever Way To Make Bacon

I know I’m not alone when I say, “I love bacon”.  I heart it.  I really, really heart it.

“Breakfast for dinner” is also a near, dear-to-my heart personal motto of mine.  Why have dinner when you can have breakfast?  Why have lunch when you can have breakfast for lunch?  It even turns out, that it just so ended up, that I even married a Bacon (the best, very sweetest kind).  The Universe got it.

I think you get the idea.

What I have never hearted though are the third-degree burns I always get when making bacon in a pan.  Sweet Mother Mercy, dodging bacon grease is not something I need on my list of “To Do” in the kitchen.  Not-to-mention (okay, I just did), the constant flipping and tending to — then, the messy clean-up. Continue reading