Best-Ever Way To Make Bacon

I know I’m not alone when I say, “I love bacon”.  I heart it.  I really, really heart it.

“Breakfast for dinner” is also a near, dear-to-my heart personal motto of mine.  Why have dinner when you can have breakfast?  Why have lunch when you can have breakfast for lunch?  It even turns out, that it just so ended up, that I even married a Bacon (the best, very sweetest kind).  The Universe got it.

I think you get the idea.

What I have never hearted though are the third-degree burns I always get when making bacon in a pan.  Sweet Mother Mercy, dodging bacon grease is not something I need on my list of “To Do” in the kitchen.  Not-to-mention (okay, I just did), the constant flipping and tending to — then, the messy clean-up.

Enough, I say, enough!

So with ice-cube on umpteenth burn, I set out to find a permanent solution to this permanent problem.  What I ended up with was the most delicious, life-changing way to make bacon, and I will never, ever go back.  I am willing to bet that you won’t either.

This Christina way of making bacon will, simply put, change…your…life.  And, nope, you did not read that incorrectly.  It will change…your…life.  Dramatic?  Perhaps.  True?  Absolutely!

It all comes down to two simple, yet magical things:

Baking, and parchment paper.

I heart you both.

We start off with bacon, luscious bacon, your favorite baking sheet, and parchment paper.  Make friends with this little, unassuming miracle and you’ll soon discover that it loves you.  Really, really loves you.

Parchment on top of baking sheet, and bacon on top of parchment.

Next, comes popping it into your preheated oven (mmm, mmm, mmm!)…

And no fuss, no muss, no joke — less than 20 minutes later, you’ve got the most perfect, flip-less, stick-less, effort-less bacon ever.

And clean-up?  As simple as waiting ’til the grease cools, and then folding up the parchment and tossing.  Heart.

Best-Ever Way To Make Bacon

by Christina Lazarakis of Small Kitchen Chronicles

Makes 2 — three strip servings

6 strips smoked uncured bacon, preferably nitrate-free
1  sheet parchment paper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, folding excess paper under itself to secure.

Place bacon strips side-by-side, in a single layer, on top of parchment paper, leaving an inch distance between each strip.

Transfer baking sheet into preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until bacon is crispy throughout.

Remove from oven and drain cooked bacon on large plate lined with paper towels.  Blot with extra paper towels, if needed, and serve immediately.

5 thoughts on “Best-Ever Way To Make Bacon

  1. What an awesome idea and works like a charm! I had the best bacon ever using this method. Thank you Christina! 🙂

    • Hey Ally! Thanks for the comment and for dropping by!

      To answer your question, no, no no! =)

      The secret to this way of making baking is all in the parchment paper.

      I promise you, it is so worth buying a roll of it, and you’ll find, if you make bacon using this once, you will never go back.

      Let me know if you have any more questions!

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