Homemade Cardamom Cajeta with Vanilla Ice Cream and Pistachios

homemade cardamom cajeta with vanilla ice cream and pistachios 2

I am seriously distracted these days.

No, more like preoccupied really.

Lots of changes are in the works here in our small corner of the Pacific Northwest.

In little more than a month now, my husband and I will be picking up our little life and moving it 1,259 miles south to a place called San Diego.

Turning to a new chapter in Christopher and I’s book and starting the very first paragraph of it.

Small Kitchen Chronicles will likely find a new home in an equally small square-footed kitchen (albeit in a much sunnier place). Continue reading

Blood Orange Salad with Goat Cheese, Pistachios and Mint

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This salad almost didn’t make it.

Initially setting out to make something totally easy and healthy for you all this week, what actually transpired went pretty much like this:

I cut my finger.

Knocked over the dressing.

Made a mess.

Had a near meltdown. Continue reading