Frozen Chocolate Cardamom Pudding with Roasted Hazelnuts

frozen chocolate cardamom pudding with roasted hazelnuts 2

It’s February 24th and officially 116 days ’til summer.

For us in San Diego, that doesn’t mean much of anything since every day here is a bit like Groundhog Day.

IE. One version or another of summer, no matter what San Diegans will tell you to the contrary.

Some days, when the daytime high dips to a blustery (*cough*) 63 Degrees F, it feels for us like fall.  But winter?  We don’t know winter.

But the Northeast?  Those guys know winter.  Especially this year.  Case in point, this picture. Continue reading

Brown Butter Slow-Rise Soft Pretzels

brown butter slow-rise soft pretzels

Many, many years ago, in a land far, far away, there was a young art student named Christina.

The world was brand new back then and the possibilities, endless.  And everyday, lugging an enormous black portfolio almost as big as she, young Christina would head to day-long art classes to paint dead fish.

And although, after many, long, balmy hours left unrefrigerated, the fish would inevitably spill their guts (literally) — and give her the driest of heaves — it was still something to see. Continue reading